Social Media Campaign: Buzz Into Spring
Digital downloadUtilize this free social media campaign to drive customers in your doors!
Making Data-Driven Decisions for Effective Marketing
Digital downloadThis free download gives you insights and perspectives into the power of data-driven marketing.
Social Media Toolkit: Shop Local
Digital downloadUnlock the power of local shopping! My digital download equips you with impactful social media campaigns designed to boost foot traffic to your favorite local businesses and strengthen our community economy.
Social Media Toolkit: Love Your Locals
Digital downloadJoin us in promoting local love this Valentine's Day! This free campaign kit from the Local Business Institute makes it effortless to encourage shopping local all year round.
Social Media Toolkit: Choose to Live Local
Digital downloadUnlock the power of local shopping with our free social media campaigns! Empower your community and drive sales by promoting the Choose to Live Local initiative. Let's shop local together!
10 Tips to Grow Your Organization
Digital downloadAs a nonprofit representing small locally-owned businesses, you are an important part of your local economic ecosystem! These 10 Tips are really just the beginning of what we can offer to both your organization and your members. Get 10 Tips for $10.