Drive local economic growth in your community by promoting local businesses through our social media campaigns.
Connect with your audience on a personal level and build strong relationships with local customers.
Join the movement to support local businesses and create a sustainable future for your community.
Unlock the Power of Local Shopping
The Choose to Live Local campaign empowers you to make a difference in your community by promoting local businesses and fostering a thriving local economy. With our free social media campaigns, you can engage with your audience, drive growth, and support local initiatives.
Meet the Local Business Institute
I'm excited to share the Choose to Live Local campaign with you. As a passionate advocate for local businesses, I believe in the power of shopping locally to create a vibrant community. Join me in making a positive impact and supporting your local economy, Rebecca Melançon
Join the Movement
Start promoting local shopping today with our free social media campaigns. Make a difference in your community and support local businesses.
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