1. About Your Business selects where you want to go with your business and explores your business Strengths, Weaknesses and Values. This creates a foundational understanding of your starting point.
2. Looking for New Business outlines five tools to find new business through your current customers and operations. This is achieved partly through revealing customer interviews and analyzing what customers want.
3. Identifying Customers and Value Propositions outlines five tools to find new business through your current customers and operations. In this class, you'll learn to profile your customers, organize them into segments and pair them with your value propositions.
4. Understanding Your Market Environment leads you through researching, analyzing, understanding and identifying your market to reveal new opportunities and customers. Find out if your market is larger or smaller than you thought it might be.
5. Revelations From Your Journey gathers all the information you've collected to see what it has to show you. This is where the light bulbs go off and you'll begin to really think differently. Prepare for some suprises!
6. Actions to Grow Your Business concludes the class with determining the actions you'll take in your business based on everything you've learned. Congratulations on arriving at thinking differently to make changes!